Brigit Wells

I can honestly say the hour I spend in Claire’s class is my favourite hour of the week. It’s exactly what I was looking for, challenging work in a relaxed environment. The class is incredibly welcoming, if you’re hesistating because you’ll feel out of place, then don’t. There’s a range of experience, ages & sizes and Claire expertly caters for everyone. Would I recommend? Put it this way, I tried one class & block booked the next 6 weeks when I got home !!

Elaine McMahon

Yesterday I went back for my second class at Pilates with Claire. Once again it was really enjoyable!

Claire gave great instruction and demonstration…and encouragement…asking us to do what we could within our own limitations..AND to keep going and do our best! We used a Pilates ring this time and did a workout with upper limbs, lower limbs with core engagement throughout. Today I know I've done a workout and I’m looking forward to the next week’s class.

Thank you Claire !

Carolyn Boakes

Pilates with Claire is great fun and it tests muscles that you forgot you had. Claire is very attentive to her class keeping an eye on each individual, she encourages each individual to work within their limits and that it’s not a competition.

I can highly recommend it, it gives you a feel good factor.

Thanks Claire

Rachel Robinson

Had my first session this week with Claire and am looking forward to next week already. Good communication in booking session, venue handy and well suited space.

Claire is attentive and checked everyone was ok as we worked though a well planned set of exercises. So I’ll be back …And I hate exercise..

Lea Brown

I joined the Pilates @Twin Tigers today and loved it! It’s relaxing as well as being a little challenging, which is great. I’m booking in for next week right now. Thanks Claire.