Here's a little something just for you...

Some of my ladies are desperate to do more Pilates.

Who doesn't want to do more Pilates ?

It's a fantastic low intensity workout, which apart from shaping up all your wobbly bits, will make you feel great, stretched & calm.

Here's the thing:

My ladies love my classes, but can't always make it to 2 per week.

If you can do 2-3 sessions plus per week you really start to see & feel the magic happening quickly.

One of my ladies who had never done Pilates before (who comes to class 3 times per week) has kept on losing inches with her friends saying to her " You look different" as her posture had changed.

And yes girls she tells everyone how amazing she feels.

She just can't get enough Pilates and has bought lots of the small equipment we use in class.

Another has lost 2 stone with Pilates being her only exercise.

And they were asking me for videos that they could buy to practice at home.

So I put together a special online ladies club, just for you.

Don't forget working out with Pilates once a week will make a difference, it will just take a lot longer to see & feel the benefits.

And it doesn't matter if you can't get to class.

It doesn't mean we can't work together.

This is just for you.

You will be taken to my Patreon PilatesClaire page - click join & create an account.

See you on the inside !

And it goes without saying that you can cancel at any time.

Here's an easy way to get more Pilates into your week:

Access to the Full video library

Yes as soon as you sign up you'll get access to the exclusive videos that you won't find anywhere else.

You can pick the video you want to do - only got 6 mins?

No problem.

Fancy a stretch today?

We've got you covered and it's only 16 mins.

There's no excuses ladies.

Grab your diary and get it in there.

You can do all the videos without any equipment, or add some in for fun and variety (and that all important resistance).

2 new videos per month

Yes you get 2 new videos per month that you won't find anywhere else.

It keeps you motivated.

As well as adding variety, making your muscles work slightly differently with any equipment we might be using.

Look out for the workouts with weights - my class regulars are absolutely loving these(we use 2 x 0.5kgs).

And you don't even need to buy any weights if you don't want to, you can use two cans of food, or filled water bottles as long as they are the same size & weight.

Don't have a small Pilates ball ? Use a cushion instead as long as you can give it a good squeeze or press.

Updates on how to work with your body

We all want to be in the best shape we can be no matter what our age.

And ladies we want to thrive not just survive

We all have issues that come along that may knock us sideways, or just simply annoy us.

Like hormones, yours may be raging, or simply going a bit haywire every now & then.

What can you do?

Read my exclusive posts on what supplements may help you, how exercise can help & how what you put in your mouth really matters.

Why does weight gain happen as we get older?

What can we do about it, when what we did before just doesn't work anymore?

I've got some ideas for you to try.

And the best thing is they're tried and tested by me and my clients (Pilates & nutrition coaching).

How can resistance training help our bodies ?

I could go on and on here..there's loads to talk about here.

And if you want me to write about something in particular - let me know.

Fantastic healthy recipes (that I use)

Get some great new ideas for your healthy eating.

Everyone wants everyday good food recipes, that we can give to the family if we need to.

We don't mind buying a couple of ingredients, but not a whole cupboard full.

I know you're all busy, so one tray/pot meals are great, as well as quick dishes.

And if you want to change your shape eating healthily is a must together with my top tips for maximising it.

Exclusive posts all about Pilates

Learn about why Pilates (small equipment) is so good for you.

Ever wondered how Pilates helps you de-stress & improves your mental health?

Why does breathing the Pilates way matter?

All of these questions answered & more.

Bring out your inner Pilates nerd & wow yourself & others.

It does really help you get better knowing some of these amazing facts - trust me!

Now it's down to you

Are you ready to move, look & feel better?

Then let me help you get from where you are now to where you want to be.

You can do it!

This package is the perfect way for you to start moving more with Pilates.

Or fit some more Pilates into your week, improving your shape, your health & wellbeing.

You can get all of the above for the silly price of a coffee & a cake per month (£8.50 plus VAT).

Whatever you want out of life there's only one way to get it; start & carry on.

Can I help you start ?

Just hit the button below and grab this offer while you can.

It won't be around for ever.

Grab it now before its gone - let's get started.

You will be taken to my Patreon PilatesClaire page- just click and crate an account.

And of course you can cancel at any time.

See you on the inside !

Claire x

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