There’s so much confusion around out there about carbs.

Google it and you’ll get all sorts as well.

I was talking to my mate about it today.

She has just started a really intensive job, working outside.

Now she’s read all the nonsense about how carbs are bad for you & has avoided  eating them.

(There’s no reason to not eat them unless you have a medical reason).

She also has no energy and feels tired most of the time.

There’s two things going on here;

One is she needs carbs for energy and to recover

And she just isn’t eating enough from all the main food groups (carbs, proteins and healthy fats) to fuel what her body needs on a daily basis.

Have you ever tried working out with little or no carbs ? I’ve done this in the past and just couldn’t train as I didn’t have any energy.

We need carbs for energy- for the body and brain and they’re especially important for post 40 women for hormonal balance.

And if you need a bit of help with your eating, changing your shape and /or feeling healthier I can help you.

What is important is the type of carbs you’re eating.

Simple carbs like sugar, white bread & pasta will spike your blood sugar,which means you’ll eat them and want more soon after.

Healthier ‘complex carbs’, like wholegrains, are absorbed & digested more slowly by the body, this can help improve a persons cholesterol, make you feel fuller for longer, increase your fibre intake and help to control your blood sugar.

What do you need to do?

Eat complex starchy carbs like potatoes, brown rice & pasta, beans & oats.

Plus dairy products & fibrous green vegetables like spinach & broccoli. Heard the saying ‘eat the rainbow’, try & eat a mixture of vegetables to get the best benefits.

And fruits are carbs as well, whether frozen or fresh. Try & eat a mix of colourful fruits.


It doesn’t matter (unless you’re an elite athelete).

Ideally for a balanced, healthy way of eating try and eat lean protein, complex carbs and veggies at each meal. Don’t forget to add in healthy fats as well.

Here’s some great ideas for breakfast & lunch ;

Have some eggs – however you like them with wholemeal bread- add a side of spinach.

I absolutely love eggs and eat loads of them.

Lunchtime- wholemeal pitta with chicken and salad leaves or spinach.

Or have a healthy brunch- with sweet potato cakes.

In the evening have a small amount of carbs with lean protein & green fibrous veggies.

You will hear alot of people saying don’t eat carbs after 2pm/in the evenings- there’s no research that supports a reason for doing this.

However, ladies that struggle with losing weight often find this an effective way to stop over snacking/bingeing.

I’ll often have lean protein with veggies for dinner, as I like it and it’s quick and easy.

Claire x