Now if you know me, worked 1-1 with me, or read my articles you will be well aware that I’m always banging on about protein & how important it is, no matter what our age.

Let’s dig a little deeper into why it is such a big deal no matter what your goals are, or just if you simply want to be healthy.

Why does it matter?

Protein is in every cell of our bodies, it’s used for so many things. Without getting too technical & sending you all to sleep,  our bodies use it to build & repair tissues (muscles, bone, skin, blood, fingernails) as well as making hormones & enzymes that help control our metabolism & growth etc.

Protein gets broken down to amino acids when digested. Cells take what they need to make new proteins or repair old ones using amino acids.

Protein does provide energy, but because it’s functions are so important for the body & it can’t be stored, it prefers to use carbs & fats first.

Getting enough daily protein is really important, so that the body can carry out these vital functions.

What’s the best sources of protein ?

Protein is found in a lot of foods like meat, fish, dairy, poultry, nuts, seeds, soy, legumes & grains.

The best sources of protein are meats, fish, eggs, poultry & soybeans , as these are what’s known as complete proteins – this means that they provide all the amino acids required for our bodies. Other protein sources need to be combined with other foods to obtain the essential amino acids.

How much should you eat ?

Our bodies change everyday as cells, divide, die & grow – protein is vital for this.

Because of this you need to eat enough protein to maintain lean muscle mass & support daily bodily functions.

** If you have impaired kidney function consult your Dr. or physician for the correct protein amounts for you **

It’ s about preserving what you have lean muscle wise & promoting more. That’s why it’s so important when trying to transform your shape.

Most women just don’t eat enough – they are carb heavy. 

An easy way to start increasing your intake is to aim for 1-2 palm size amounts at each meal ( 2 eggs count as 1 palm).

Remember ladies, the recommended daily amounts are the bare minimum and we want to thrive , not just survive !

Coming soon is ‘Part 2 Getting the most out of the protein you eat’.

For now, have a look at your plate, think about which protein sources you’re eating & are you having 1-2 palms at each meal?

As we get older our protein needs increase, so it’s always important !

And before you ask I easily eat 2 palms of protein at each meal and am always ‘keeping an eye on it’ protein wise.

Let me know how you get on

Claire x