Do you ever think about egg nutrition ?

If you’ve been reading my posts or pages you’ll know that I love eggs & eat lots of them.

Some people have described eggs as ‘the most nutritious food on the planet.’

Here’s a great way to get tips on healthy eating (& Pilates exercises).

But what makes egg nutrition so good?

Of course, the taste is great, with some toast, avacado and or salmon.

They are relatively cheap, bursting with nutrition, pretty low in calories & saturated fat.

They’re packed with protein & important nutrients like vitamins A, D, Zinc & Selenium are found the yolk.

If you’re struggling with getting enough daily protein (often women struggle with this), eggs are a really healthy, nutritious way to increase your levels.

**If you’re suffering from any kidney related issues seek advice from your doctor, or health professional about the amount of protein you should be eating**

What’s the best way to get some egg nutrition?

Eat them as a protein rich snack, healthy brunch, lunch or dinner.

And you can cook them lots of different ways, you can boil, poach, fry or scramble them.

If you’re not keen having them by themselves, make a fritarta, or healthy breakfast muffins. My friend even adds one  or two to mash to increase nutrients for her family.

How many eggs can you eat per day?

Years ago the advice was to eat only one or two eggs per week, due to the high amount of cholesteral in egg yolks.

However, more recent research has found that dietary cholesteral has little influence on blood levels of total & ‘bad’ LDL cholesteral, as it’s dietary saturated fats that raise these blood levels.

Recent studies won’t give you an exact amount to eat, but the average healthy person can go ahead & enjoy egg nutrition  as part of your healthy daily foods.

Free range eggs boosted with omega 3 tend to be the healthiest choice.

How are you having yours today?

Let me know

And if you’re at a loss about how to start eating more healthily & need a little help, I’ve got some tried & tested programmes that can really help you.

Claire x

egg nutrition