Pilates & Cake catch up

Well ladies what a weekend ! 

Firstly a big thank you for joining me , I loved seeing you all & meeting some lovely new ladies. 

Your emails & comments have blown me away. In a nutshell; 

Our private chef Sandy was amazing & produced food that was  beyond your expectations, you loved the Pilates, stretching & mindfulness , felt brilliant after your massages, the guided walk was really special, plus the location was idyllic with those beautiful views across the moors. 

For those that ventured in the hot tub (Brigit & I), we enjoyed that too, although the hot tub 'expert' (also known as 'the onesie queen'), soon got to grips with it & it was bath like.

I've put together a little 'snapshot' of the weekend - in no particualr order.

 I'm sure some of the photos will remind you of the many laughs we had too !

Much love

Claire x

Find out about upcoming retreat dates here

The melt in your mouth choccy cheesecake

Amazing Sri Lankan Curry with chicken- get making this one girls 

And the Dahl

And outside Pilates - some lovely extension work here for our spines

Our first 'nourishing your soul' lunch with feta, spinach & red pepper frittata. Everyone wanted the broccoli, date, pistachio & lemon salad recipe.

'The explorers' having a quick piccy on their guided walk.

Look at that view

Yep more scrummy cake

The gin tasting - need I say more !! If you know- you know 😉

'Tonic' the star of the Gin tasting

Girls waiting for gin

Eager to taste 'The Beast'

'Let's get started'

Quick pit stop before our 'early' Pilates & mindfulness  session

'Lazy brunch'

'The onesie queen'

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