Post covid & the growth of working from home means that people are way more sedentary than ever before.

Did you know that 15 percent of lower back ( lumbar muscle) stiffness is caused by sitting for long periods of time?

Why is this?

Quite simply our bodies are meant to move & when we sit for long periods of time at a desk,  the muscles that being overworked can start to tire, or tire more easily.

This can lead to slouching, or adopting positions that are more’comfortable’.

The problem is that the body then begins to adapt to these positions, which after a while, can lead to straining of muscles, that are not designed for additional load. This can result in achey muscles, pains, disc problems, disorders and further unhealthy postures.

Pilates exercises can open the chest & hips and ease muscle tightness, as well as strengthen the shoulders, core & gluteal (bum) muscles. Sitting for long periods of time weakens the gluteal muscles as they are not being used when sitting.

Our muscles need us to use them, to maintain their strength & function.

The gluteal muscles are the primary muscles involved in initiating hip movements in actions such as running & walking, so a weakness can lead to pain in the hips.

It’s not all doom & gloom though as working out regularly with Pilates will help correct imbalances/weaknesses. It’s never too late to start.

Pilates benefits are ;

Introduces mobility

Breaks up static posture

Strengthens postural muscles

Addresses poor alignment

Boots energy levels & mood

Try to take a movement break every 30 mins- even if you get up & walk around your desk – your body will thank you.

Even better is doing a short Pilates routine at your desk. Look out for one in the Ladies club.

Let me know how you get on.

Claire x