A once a year trip to the spa can only do a limited amount of destressing, although it is lovely & I always try to get at least one booked in per year. We need to find a longer term solution to destress.

When we exercise it produces endorphins, which are the feel good hormones, it reduces stress & makes us feel happier.

More importantly though when we are challenged with exercises, the mind & body practises responding  to stress. which means we are better able to deal with other difficult parts of our lives.

My clients & Pilates regulars often say how calm they feel, relaxed and happier after sessions/classes. Research (from the University of Pittsburgh 2016) has shown these feelings aren’t just down to the post exercise feel good factor & the calming breathing technique we use.

The research showed a mind body connection that may explain why Pilates & similar exercises can help the body’s response to physical, mental & emotional stress.

Pilates can be described as mindful exercise-what does that mindfulness mean? We see it used almost everywhere now and it’s recognised as having huge health benefits.

Mindfulness can be described as a mind-body practise in which you learn enhanced awareness of your body, your state of mind & environment.

Pilates is a mind- body technique, where you use mindfulness in every movement, totally aware of your breath,posture & movement. Pilates offers a great alternative to meditation and could be described as mediation through movement !

There’s never a best time to start- start now & feel the benefits

Claire x