The simple answer to this is Yes.

But I get it, it can be daunting or intimidating, especially if you feel out of shape.

If you’re a beginner or never done Pilates before it’s really beneficial to attend a class, as this will really help you with your alignment, breathing & how to do the exercises correctly.

Many of my ladies in class have not exercised for a very long time and or never done Pilates before. Once they start they love it- one of them said to me ‘coming to class is my favourite hour of the week.’

Here’s 6 simple steps to start Pilates;

1.One of the major hurdles for many people is actually starting. if you find yourself constantly putting it off remember there’s never a right time to start – just take a deep breath & book a class.

2. Choose a class that really appeals to you – there’s lots of variety out there & you want to be able to look forward to going

3.If you feel it’s just too much to start on your own – bring a friend. Lots of my ladies start by bringing their friends.

4. Choose a time & day that you can do every week – everyone has holidays, needs to work extra sometimes & life events happen, but it’s so important for you to be able to go weekly & have that ‘me time.’

5. You can choose your level & go at your own pace during a class, take breaks when you need them & the best thing is no one is watching you, as they’re too busy focusing on themselves & what they’re supposed to be doing !

6.Once you’ve started, keep at it. Pilates is all about investing in your body & health, it’s not a ‘quick’ fix & it takes time to learn the exercises, develop your core strength & master the breathing ! But it will happen if you are consistent & the best thing is it’s fun and challenging (in a good way)- who doesn’t like a challenge?

See you in class soon- can’t wait to meet you
