How is Pilates different  to doing an exercise class or going to the gym?  Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t do other forms of exercise, far from it.

It’s great to include other types of exercise to boost your heart health (cardiovascular fitness) & to work your muscles in a different way, this could be walking at  a good pace or gardening- it doesn’t have to be an organised activity.

  1. Pilates tends to be more active than yoga (depends which type of class/style you do), but less high impact & sweaty like aerobics or running/jogging. High impact exercises can place a lot of stress and/or strain on the joints, unlike Pilates.
  2. Most exercises focus on getting your main muscles stronger, Pilates will do this and strengthen your weaker, smaller muscles – some that you didn’t even realise that you have. This means that you benefit from a more balanced body with firm muscles, better posture & joint mobility.
  3. Pilates really helps your posture as it makes the front & back of your body (the centre) stronger, supporting your lower back & ‘holding’ yourself better. One of my ladies, who consistently comes to class has said that her work colleagues have commented on hows she’s ‘carrying ‘herself’ differently. You feel so much taller & ‘stretched’ after class as well !
  4. Many types of exercises are only improving your general fitness level , Pilates can focus on isolating & strengthening specific muscles & can help to sort out specific problems.
  5. Other types of exercises often cause injuries due to weaknesses, inbalances, lack of correct alignment & poor technique, Pilates can assist injuries, it’s controlled & low intensity & is safe to do with a qualified instructor.
  6.  Other exercisers & exercises often have the mindset ‘no gain without pain’, Pilates is completely opposite to this offering a gentle but challenging, low intensity whole body workout that when consistently done results in a more mobile, toned , healthy body. And it’s absolute focus on it’s principles means that you benefit from a relaxed & calm mind.

And there’s never an ideal time to start as we’re all busy, rushing around with life. Just make a decision & start.

See you in class, 1-1 or online sometime

Claire x