Read Part 1 Protein basics before this one, as in that one I talk about why protein is so important & the best sources.

Here’s some great tips to get the best out of the protein you eat.

  1. Spread out through the day the protein you eat, so some at each meal & in your snacks. That way your body has time to digest, absorb & use it.
  2. Eating protein after exercise (ideally in the hour after) helps your muscles repair  & grow, because this is when your muscles are more sensitive to nutrients.
  3. Eat carbs with your protein when refueling after exercise, protein is needed for muscle repair & carbs will help your body refuel, this is especially important after aerobic exercise.
  4. Try to eat lean cuts of meat, they may take longer to prepare (marinate or braise them), but if they are prepared well , they taste amazing. When using mince, use the leaner options i.e. if I’m making a bolognese I’ll always use 5 percent lean beef mince, the same if i’m making burgers.
  5. Plant based proteins , although not ‘complete’ proteins (except soybeans), contain protein think beans, peas, quinoa & lentils have lots of nutrients like fibre, vitamins & minerals.
  6. Make good poultry choices & eat without the skin. Generally poultry is lean, but read the labels when buying minced turkey or chicken – you want it to be 100 percent minced turkey or chicken, if it’s not, it will likely have been minced with skin & fat.
  7. Try & increase your fish intake, fresh or frozen – it doesn’t matter. If you like it aim for twice a week, as it ‘s a great source of protein & fish like salmon are rich in omega 3’s , a healthy, unsaturated fat (which have been linked to numerous health benefits i.e promoting brain & heart health etc)

Look out for Part 3 of this protein series ‘Comparing protein sources’

Let me know how you get on.

Claire x