What is spinach nutrition?

Spinach nutrition is all about the green, leafy vegetable, often bought as baby leaves, that most of us love ?! It’s related to quinoa & beetroot & packs a real punch in the nutrition stakes, as it’s full of nutrients.

You can buy it fresh, canned or frozen, cook it or eat it raw.

Have a look at my piccy below – I love eating it raw with lemon juice, balsamic & freshly milled black pepper, it goes so easily as a side dish, or base for a salad.

Here’s lots of lovely nutrition tips, wellness & exercise articles 

What makes spinach nutrition so good?

Super healthy & packed with vitamins, antioxidants & fibre.

Here’s what 4ozs (100gms) will give you;

23 Calories

3.6 gms Carbs (this is mainly fibre, so is really healthy)

2.9gms Protein

2.2gms Fibre

0.4gms Sugar (natural)

0.4gms Fat


Spinach has lots of fibre, which is insoluble – this adds bulk to your stools, so may help you not get constipated & can aid digestion.

Vitamins & minerals

Spinach is packed with lots of vitamins & minerals;

Your body can make vitamin A from the carotenoids in spinach.

It contains vitmain C, that helps keep skin healthy & immunity.

One spinach leaf contains half of your recommended daily amount of Vitamin K1, which helps with blood clotting.

As well as Vitamin B9 (Folic acid), Vitmains B6, B9, E, potassium, magnesium, iron & calcium, which the body needs to function well.

And it is rich in plant compounds like Lutein & Quercetin etc, which can all boost general health.

Health benefits of spinach nutrition

Spinach is rich in antioxidants, which help to combat the effects of free radicals (oxidative stress, which can be responsible for ageing quicker, as well as incresing cancer & diabetes risks.

Some of the carotenoids in spinach can help eye health.

There are high amounts of nitrates in spinach, which may help in lowering blood pressure & may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Any downsides to spinach nutrition?

Peole at risk of kidney stones should limit thier intake due to the high amounts of calcium & oxalates. Always seek avice from a health professional if in any doubt.

The high level of Vitamin K1 in spinach may affect blood thining medication, such as Warfarin. Consult your health professional before eating it.

What’s the best way to get spinach nutrition?

Here’s some of the easiet ways to include spinach in your everyday foods;

1.Have it as a side dish to hot foods, it can be raw or cooked lightly

2.Have it as a base for your salad, add other salad leaves to make it more varied & increase the nutrient content.

3.Saute it with garlic & pine nuts

4.Cook in butter & add parmesan

5.Chuck it in smoothies or protein shakes

6.Add it to curries

7.Use in frittartas

8.Add to soups

And if you’re struggling with your nutrition I ve got some great tried & tested programmes that can help you, that actually work.

Claire x

spinach nutrition