What is nutritional yeast?

Nutritional yeast is an inactivated yeast,  with the yeast cells deactivated through the manufactoring process. It’ s actually the same type of yeast that’s used in bread & beer, but it’s grown to be used as a food product & is made to be used in cooking.

There’s two types of nutritional yeast; fortified & unfortified.

Fortified – this type has added vitamins to give more nutrients. This one offers the most health benefits & is more common.

Unfortified – this type has no added vitamins, it contains only the natural vitamins & minerals that the yeast cells produce as they grow.

You can find it in  powder form, granules or thin flakes, sometimes it’s in the spice or near the salt & pepper in supermarkets, or it’s in big bins in a healtherfood store. It’s pale yellow in colour with a savory, umami taste.

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What’s in nutritional yeast ?

It’s low in sodium & calories, is fat free, sugar free & gluen free & many vegans use it as a way of obtaining plant based protein , B vitamins & minerals.

Use in moderation, but if you have an allergic reaction to yeast, or have a gene mutation avoid using it. And if you have any worries about it at all consult your health professional before taking it.

2 teaspoons (5 gms) of fortified yeast contains;

20 calories

3 gms Protein

2 gms Carbs

0 gms Sugar

4% Fibre of your recommended daily amounts (RDA)

2% Iron RDA

2% Potassium

313% Vit B12 RDA

246% Vit B2 (Riboflavin) of RDA

212% Vitamin B6 RDA

109% Vit B3 RDA

59% Vit B9 (Folate) RDA

It contains all the 9 essential amino acids, that your body can’t make & are essential for all your body’s protein functions.

The fortified nutritional yeast is high in B vitamins. It contains trace minerals, such as maganese, selenium & zinc, which assist metabolism, growth & immunity.

As with any food, it’s always good to check the label to see what’s in it, the ingredients will be listed with the highest value in the product first.

What’s the health benefits of nutritional yeast ?

If you follow a vegan, or plant based diet you may be concerned that you’re not getting enough B12,as you exclude all animal products.

Vitamin B12 is important in keeping nerve cells & blood healthy, it assists in making DNA.  Many vegans supplement thier diets with vitamin B12.

And eating foods like nutritional yeast can help – a mere 2 teaspoons gives 313% RDA.


Nutritional yeast contains antioxidants, which may help protect your body from damage to your cells. Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants may lessen the risk of heart disease & cancer.

Animal studies suggest that the carbs in nutritional yeast may provide your body with antibacterial & antifungal benefits, which can help against infections. More studies are needed in this area.

Cholesteral levels

It may help lower cholesteral levels, as it contains beta glucan, which is also found in oats & barley.

How to cook with or use nutritional yeast

Use about 2-4 teaspoons(5-10gms), but it will depend on your recipe & personal preference

1.Add to smoothies

2.Sprinkle on salads

3.Sprinke onto pasta dishes.

4.Add to soups or stews

5.Sprinkle it over your chilli

6.Use it to help thicken sauces & soups

7.Sprinkle over your mac and cheese, or use it in the cheese sauce

8.Add to your pizza base sauce

There’s loads of possibilities – I’d love to hear what your favourite recipe is.

And if you’re struggling with your food I ve got some great tried & tested programmes, where you eat normal, everyday foods.

Claire x

nutritional yeast