
Work with me to transform your shape & get healthier

Nutrition Healthcare

Fruit and vegetables nutrition

Five food groups nutrition

Healthy Eating

Avocado Nutrition

Banana Nutrition

Broccoli Nutrition

Chicken Nutrition

Egg Nutrition

Lentils Nutrition

Nutritional Yeast

Peas Nutrition

Spinach nutrition

Sweet potato nutrition

Why we should drink water

What is ‘good’ nutrition? There’s so much out there about nutrition and it’s a science that is constantly evolving.

That said there are aspects that have been widely researched & can help our nutrition and our own healthcare, no matter what our food preferences might be (eat whole foods, minimally processed foods, the importance of eating enough protein, eating more fruit & veggies and getting enough sleep).

As you read through my articles you’ll see that these aspects come up again & again. I make no apologies for this, as just by looking at them & trying perhaps to eat just ‘a little better’, can make a huge difference to how you feel and being healthier. All whilst enjoying what you eat as well of course, which is hugely important.

And we can all do ‘a little better.’

And yep I do all what I help my clients do. I like to ‘work on’ my nutrition & fitness to try and be a little better as well. But I think that’s what you’d expect from a qualified nutrition coach, menopause specialist coach, pilates instructor & personal trainer.

As I’m writing this I’m experimenting with my protein recipies – I like to cook meals that the whole family can eat, so I’m not making lots of different meals, as I just don’t have time.

Claire x