What can you do for Menopause & weight gain?

You may have looked in the mirror and noticed your shape is changing (and not for the better).

Often people use the term ‘Menopause’ generically to cover perimenopause ( the time leading up to the Menopause), Menopause & post Menopause.

It’s good to try & be clear about where you are, but you simply may not know, especially if you’re taking birth control or Hormone replacement Therapy (HRT).

Often a diagnosis will very much rely on your reported symptoms to a medical professional. That also depends on what sort of training the medical professional has, the main thing is don’t be fobbed off if you need help or are struggling.

You may be 35 or over and noticed your body shape changing, gaing weight around the middle ( you’re probably in perimenpause here).

Or you may be in Menopause (this is officially after not having a period for 12 months in a row).

Or post menopause , where you’ve reached Menopause & it’s now behind you, yet you may still be experiencing Menopause symptoms.

What’s actually going on with Menopause & weight gain ?

Wherever you are ( I’m going to use the term Menopause, rather then repeating the different terms), many ladies feel like;

They’re eating and exercising how they’ve always done.

But the weight seems to be piling on – especially round the tummy.

You’re left thinking ‘where did my muscle go & what is this fat?’

Menopause and weight gain is not your fault

You can blame those pesky hormones (yep it’s them again).

Estrogen is mainly to blame for this, as not only does it plays a key role in our periods & cycles.

It has a major part in metabolism; where our fat is stored & how our bodies cope with exercise and recover from it.

As the amount of estrogen surges & drops.

Eventually getting less & less in our forties, it slows our metabolism which then can mean a growing belly.

It also means that your blood sugar can surge and drop – leaving you more tired and hungry all the time.

You know like those mid afternoon  – I’ve got to eat something..anything moments.

At the same time, it becomes harder to ‘hang on’ to our muscle.


You can take action today & turn this around.

It just means that you need to help your body adjust.

Action you can take for Menopause and weight gain.

1. Look at the carbs you are eating – being carb heavy, as most women are, makes us more sensitive to them as we age (thus suffering the blood sugar crashes & soars).

Cut down on processed carbs such as refined grains, potato products and added sugars (these have a high Glycemic load and not much nutritional quality).

Instead, focus on minimally processed nutrient dense carb sources, eating more (non- starchy )veggies and fruit. You want to be aiming for sources that have a low GI load.

Choose whole grains that are traditionally processed like barley, quinoa & traditionally fermented sourdough.

Often our bodies cope better with eating more complex carbs like grains, breads & pastas in the mornings & lunchtimes.

Carbs are essential for energy and bodily functions – don’t cut them out.

2. Eat more lean protein – it’s all about the quality of protein and eating enough, if you want to change your shape AND keep the muscle you have.

And it helps you ‘look leaner.’

3. Are you eating enough healthy fats? Fat is essential for fueling the body, making you feel satisfied and for lots of bodily functions.

Increase nuts , seeds , avacado, olive oil & coconut oil to get your healthy fats in.

4. Exercise regularly – resistance training (training with weights) is really important in keeping lean and getting the shape you want.

And no it doesn’t have to be heavy weights and NO you aren’t going to get bulky.

5. If you need help or don’t know where to start – I can help you as a nutrition coach, menopause specialist coach, Pilates instructor & personal trainer. I ve helped hundreds of women lose 1 or 2 dress sizes. wihthout setting foot in a gym.

By taking action for Menopoause and weight gain, you’ll feel more in control & you’ll feel like YOU again.

Here’s some great little nutrition tips that are ‘all things women’, as well as exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Claire x

Menopause and weight gain