There are lots of Menopause symptoms and let’s be clear here, you don’t have to have everyone  (thankfully) to be in ‘Menopause,’but it’s lightly that you will have 1 , 2 or more.

Normally one of the signs thats ‘somethings happening’ is irregular or changing periods. This is due to your hormone levels fluctuating & changing.

And as ‘Menopause’ can be used as a general term ( to cover Perimenopause, Menopause & post Menopause) it’s good to know that these Menopause symptoms can be a thing at any of these phases.

Yep even post Menopause, where we hope they’ve all gone, although some may be reluctant to leave you.

Menopause symptoms

There’s quite a few as you’ll see below, I ve placed the most talked about, or well known first ;

1.Changes to your periods

2.Hot flushes

3.Night sweats or hot flushes at night really

4.Irrititability or mood changes.

5.Struggling to sleep

6.Weight gain especially around the tummy

7.Brain Fog, forgetting words & poor concentration

8.Bad migraines that are getting worse

9.Joint aches & pains

10.Low sex drive or perhaps a non existant one

11.Incontinenece/bladder infections

12.Swollen sore breasts

13.Vaginal dryness/painful sex

14.Heart palpatations

15.Dry Skin

16.Itchy skin

17.Acne – just when you thought spots were a thing of the past

18.Hair changes – losing, dryness or thining hair

19.Brittle hair & nails

20.Digestive issues


22.Muscle aches

23.Urinary pain & Uniary Tract Infections

24.Changes in taste

25.Dizzy spells


27.Allergies – new ones or existing ones getting worse


29.Altered Sense of smell

30.Dry eyes

32.Facial Hair

33.Burning mouth


Now you might not have numerous Menopause Symptoms, but looking at the list 1 or 2 can have a big effect on your day to day life.

Believe me, they sent me sideways ; Hot flushes, night sweats, irritability, weight gain & brain fog – have a look here to read more about what I did.

Did you know that 3 out of 4 women are affected by hot flushes? (Womens health concern 2015).

Don’t suffer in silence with your Menopause symptoms, speak to a health professional to talk about what you can do and normal, everyday stuff can help too.

And if you need a bit of help I’m a certified Menopaue specialist coach, Nutrition coach, Pilates instructor & personal trainer & can help you transition through your journey, being the best version of you.

Let me know how you’re getting on.

Here’s some great little tips & exercises that can help.

Claire x

Menopause symptoms