Are you on HRT ?

Are you aware of the changes ?

From the 1st April 2023 you can purchase a HRT Prescription Prepayment Certificate.

This means  that you can save so much money, by paying a one off annual fee of £19.30, which is the same as 2 prescription charges.

There’s no limit on how many times the certificate can be used,  or how many HRT items it can be used for.

You can apply for the certificate at a pharmacy registered to sell the certificates, or through the NHS Business service Authority.

Once it has been approved you will be able to use it instantly.

However it may not cover all treatments – testosterone for example is not on the list.

Check if yours is here 

I’ve just checked mine and it’s on there , so I will definitely be paying for a certificate the next time I pick up my prescription.

Claire x