
Menopause and weight gain

Menopause Symptoms

Peri menopausal Symptoms

Menopause and anxiety

Do women need to take supplements

What is Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT)

Save ££££’s on HRT

Research on HRT & dementia ( a study published in the BMJ in June 2023)

You will definitely have heard of it.

But probably not given it much thought.

You may have friends that have gone through it.

But nothing makes you sit up and listen until it starts for YOU.

It might have been brought on by a medical treatment like a hysteretomy, or maybe you just got it early.

Or it might have snuck up on you , then blasted you.

If it’s happening NOW and you’re feeling hot and sweating reading this – it’s likely you’re in perimenopause

Or happened – you haven’t had a period for a year, you’re feeling FAB ,or maybe still have hot flashes or night sweats you can’t quite be rid of, you’ve probaby reached menopause or beyond.

You might be at the end of your tether with what’s happening to you and just want some help.

And to know that you’re not going crazy.

I was going along quite nicely thank you, eating really healthily, exercising, sleeping well and feeling great – just what you would expect as a qualifed nutrition coach and personal trainer.

Until WHAM the hot flushes started, then the night sweats & restless sleep.

No more shutting the window at night – yes, wide open please.

Then starts this duvet on, duvet off strange dance.

This made me do something – I couldn’t carry on like this.

So I started desperately reading everything I could get my hands on , talking to people and trying to find out as much as I could.

And looking at what others have done for their hot flushes, night sweats and stuff (there’s a pretty long list of what’s going on).

I’ll let you know what I’ve tried- what’s worked , or not for me.

And I’m a certified Menopause Specialist Coach & have completed extra training in Pilates for Menoapuse & Pelvic Floor Health.

It’s like losing weight though – there’s some stuff that helps everyone and is really important.

But you have to adjust some bits to make it work for YOU.

Be great if you could wave a magic wand and suddenly be through it- but nope we’ve all got to make the journey.

Of course you may be one of the lucky ladies who just sails through without a hot flush in sight – you lucky thing you.

But for most ladies we will be sweating, forgetting, not sleeping & wondering where DID that tummy come from?

Let’s take action and try and tame the menopause beastie.

And you can work with me – I’ve got two tried & tested programmes to help you feel like you again.

Hopefully you’ll find the stuff here useful & it will make you feel better.

Remember we’re in this together and I want to help as many of you as I can.

Claire x

If you’re worried or struggling, it’s a good idea to talk to your Doctor or physician and explore what options are available to you.