Can you eat well on a budget ? This is a question I get asked a lot.

The simple answer to this is yes.

And No you don’t have to eat organic, grass fed foods.

Buy what you can afford.

Here’s how to eat well on a budget :

1.Always choose nutrient rich foods from your major food groups (proteins, carbs & healthy fats), rather than nutrient poor cheaper ‘fast foods’, or heavily processed foods. Nutrient rich foods might cost a little more, but will keep you fuller for longer, help you change shape & regulate your hormones

2.Set aside some time each week to make your meals- this will really help you eat well on a budget as it’s cheaper and more nutritious if you make your own (and your homemade meals often taste better).

3.When you make your meals, always make a little more than you need, so you have leftovers which you can either eat the next day, or portion up and freeze.

4.Prep your own healthy snacks like boiled eggs- take with you in a pot with spinach, or have some greek yoghurt with a handful of berries, or make a protein shake to ‘have on the go.’ A handful of unsalted, raw nuts, or an apple, satsuma or piece of low cost fresh fruit are always  good options as well.

5.Become a switched on shopper to eat well on a budget- buy the fruit & veg that are seasonal, often on deals and use them in your meals. Buying meat in bulk can often save you a lot of money, prepare meals with it and freeze it, or freeze it uncooked in portions for meals. Check out your local shops like the farm shop or low cost supermarkets and see where you can save money on essential items.

6.Grow some veggies yourself (No food miles, chemicals and they taste so much better). Though I totally understand if you don’t have time for this !

7.Most effective foods to buy to eat well on a budget that save money are; seasonal fruit & veg, Cheaper cuts of meat (often with the bone in), offal,frozen fruit & veg, canned fish, Plant based proteins like tofu, tempeh, beans & lentils.

8.Use your slow cooker – dust it off & start cooking with it, this means you can use cheaper meat & it smells (& tastes) lovely when you come home. And it’s a great low cost way of cooking.

9.Cook one pan meals is a great way to eat well on a budget- yes everything in one tray, so easy & cost effective. I’ve got a great chicken tray bake to share with you which you’ll love. Or use your air fryer that you may have just bought, but have no idea what to do with.

10. Work out the rough cost per serving; whilst buying 2 -3 lean packs of 5% lean mince might seem a lot , when you work out the cost per portion your bolognese is actually very cost effective.

11.Avoid chucking unused food out to eat well on a budget, can you add eggs & make a frittata or omelette with it ? Plan what you need in advance- this means that you won’t waste it and that you only buy what you need.

12.Preserve foods by keeping it in the fridge, freezing it or pickling it.

Here’s some more great tips on healthy eating, scultping your body, menopause & more

Claire x

eat well on a budget