Which healthy evening snacks is it okay to eat?

Thought I’d share with you two of my favourites.

I eat a healthy tea, which normally consists of some lean protein and veg ( mostly spinach as I don’t cook it and it’s quick and easy).

Often I will feel like eating something when I’m sat down on the sofa, watching telly.

I want to eat something that is healthy, that will fill me up.

So I will eat full fat Greek yoghurt with cinammon, plain nuts ( 2 tablespoons) and a tablespoon of sunflower seeds or flaxseeds ( both great for your skin).

If you need to sweeten it , then have some berries. This is really tasty, healthy and will help get rid of the cravings.

If you’re still peckish have a milky drink – not only will this help fill your tummy up, it will help you sleep as well.

Claire x