This is another one of my faves- I often have this for tea.

Best thing is, it literally only takes about 10 mins to make.

And most of that time is actually spent cutting up the veg.

Slice a couple of shallots, cut up 1pepper, crush 2-3 garlic cloves and trim a packet of mange tout.

Heat a small amount of olive oil in a wok

Add the garlic & shallots- stir for a couple of minutes then add the rest of the veg.

Add about 2 tablespoon of Teryaki sauce.

Keep stirring then, after a few minutes add 1 packet of defrosted prawns (325gms)

Season with some black pepper, add another tablespoon Teraki if needed.

Veg should be just cooked – cook for longer if you want them softer.

Serve with fresh coriander- absolutely lovely.

Claire x