I love this dish (so do my kids as well)

(To make it really special I use my own chicken stock- it’s so easy to make after your sunday roast & freezes brilliantly)

Make up your 400mls coconut milk using 1/2 a bar of coconut – if you’ve no idea what I’m talking about look at my post about coconut milk.

Chop an onion and crush 3-4 cloves of garlic.

Melt some coconut oil in a wok – add onion & garlic.

Cook for a few minutes.

Add 1 kg of chopped chicken breast- cook until changes colour.

Add 3 tabelspoons plain flour & 2.5 tablespoons curry powder ( I use medium hot – you can use less or more according to how you like it).

Add 1/2 to 3/4 pint chicken stock – you want it to just cover the chicken.

Simmer over a medium heat for about 20 minutes – check chicken is tender.

Add coconut milk – stir and check seasoning.

Let simmer for about 10 minutes.

If sauce is too thin – add one teaspoon cornflour mixed with a little cold water.

Stir and cook for 5 mins. Repeat if you want it thicker.

Serve with fresh coriander, wholemeal rice and spinach.

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Claire x