If you know this, it makes meal planning a whole lot easier.

Not only that portion size really does matter.

Often we are over generous with our servings.

Especially if we think a food is ‘healthy’ ( though this doesn’t seem to be the case with veggies as most of us could do with eating more, 1-2 ‘fist’ sizes per meal is what we should be aiming at)

Protein; 1-2 Palms. This can be lean animal (chicken, beef,eggs- use the whole egg as it’s packed with protein and healthy fats) or plant based protein (tempeh,tofu, edamame)

Vegetables; 1-2 fists. Always try to include a serving of greens and other veg ( spinach is my fave, as you don’t even need to cook it)

Carbs; 1-2 cupped hands. Think Complex like wholemeal bread, pasta & rice.

Healthy fats; 1-2 thumbs. Think nuts, seeds, avacado, olive oil.

Claire x