I found this really interesting ( the logging comes from using My fitness Pal which is a great app if you want to track your food)

Okay so number 1 is my absolute favourite and I eat loads of them – what about you?

1. Eggs – so versatile and a great, cheap source of protein and healthy fat plus vitamins

2. Bananas – Great in shakes and known for their potassium

3. Avacado – I eat lots of these as well, packed full of healthy fats & fibre

4. Bluberries – a superfood, packed full of fibre, Vitamin C & antioxidants.

5. Butter – might surprise some of you this one. High in saturated fat, but fine to have in moderation. I love mine on toast.

6.  Chicken breast – great lean source of protein which the family love

7. Apples – Good source of fibre & vitamin C – they’re great to go anywhere with you and are a healthy snack

8. Peanut butter – I love this but it has to be good quality & wholesome – I buy mine with seeds in and it’s absolutely delish.  Good source of protein but calorie dense.

9. Strawberries – who doesn’t love this little berry ? It’s bursting with vitamin C & antioxidants.

10. Last but not least another favourite of mine (that I eat daily) is spinach.  It’s full of Vitamins A & C, iron, magnesium , Vitamin B12 & k. You can eat it raw, cook it and or chuck it in shakes.

How many of these do you eat?Most of them are great, healthy foods.

Claire x