I always cook the same veg and thought it was time I got a bit more adventurous.

These are super easy to make and taste delicious – healthy too.

Get your washed cauli, remove the stalk and leaves. Cut lengthways.

Add about 120 gms of either fat free or full fat greek yoghurt, seasoning and 1/2 teaspooon of each of the following; curry powder, ground ginger, ground cumin, paprika, tumeric & ground coriander.

Or add in your favourite spices.

I added the juice of 1/2 lime as I had some, or you can use the juice of 1/2 a lemon.

Mix it all together with your hands. Cover and pop in the fridge for at least an hour or overnight.

Place on a lined baking sheet and cook on gas mark 6,or 200 degrees C for about 25- 35 mins until brown and slightly soft.

Serve as a side and enjoy – these go well with steak or chicken. Or if you’re a vegetarain with other veg or vegetable curry.

I often have a couple with my special steak.

Claire x