My family and I love this one.

So easy to make as well.

You’ll need half of the homemade yummy tomato sauce

Cook 3 -4 chicken breasts.

I cook mine by slicing them partially lengthwise down the middle. This allows them to cook quicker.

I just add seasoning, a small knob of butter and wrap each one in foil.

I place in the oven (210 degrees centigrade) and cook for about 25 mins. Check there is no ‘pink’ & the meat is fully cooked.

Cook 250gms of wholemeal pasta for 1/2 the usual cooking time (as it will carry on cooking in the oven).

Drain and cool.

Warm up sauce gently on hob.

Slice the cooked chicken breast and arrange it in ovenprooof dish, add the pasta and mix, pour the sauce over it all.

Grate over some cheese.

Done. Place in a preheated oven (190 degrees centigrade) for about 20 minutes until the cheese has browned slightly.

Serve with Spinach or just on its own.

See what I eat in a week

Claire x