This is fantastic.

I came home from work really tired and had some cooked chicken in the fridge.

What do you put with it to make a really healthy, protein packed, fab tasting meal (that I can just bung spinach with)?


It freezes brilliantly.

Cut and dice 2 cups each of peeled carrot & peeled parsnips.

Cut up one onion (you can add in a couple of celery stalks & chop them up as well if you want to).

You can use other veggies if you have any or prefer them- keep the parsnips in or substitute with another root vegetable (this gives the soup added taste & thickness).

Place in a pan – cover with chicken stock (ideally homemade approximately a litre, the more veggies you use the more chicken stock you’ll need)

Season with salt & pepper.

Bring to boil and simmer gently (with lid 3/4 on) until veggies cooked.

Check taste and add more seasoning if needed- whizz in a food processor.

Add about 4 cooked diced or sliced chicken breasts and stir in.

Done. Beautiful.

For an extra protein hit add more cooked warm chicken when you serve it.

Make lots of it , so you can freeze it when cooled.

More like this here

Claire x