Had to share with you one of my favourite salads.

I know I’ve got alot of favourites 🙂

It literally takes me minutes to throw together ( it’s great ‘for on the go’).

And it’s packed full of protein, good fats, veg & fiber, and I add some complex carbs & it taste’s amazing.

I throw some spinach leaves into my lunch box, add 100 gms sliced smoked salmon.

If you don’t like salmon use chicken instead.

Then I bung in 50gms chopped feta, 1/2 or a small sliced avacado, freshly milled back pepper plus a squeeze of fresh lemon.

(Make sure the lemon juice goes over the avacado as it will help stop it turning colour).

I finish my masterpiece with a tablespoon of sunflower seeds and about 5 walnuts (unsalted).

Drizzle over some balsamic if you fancy it.

Place in the fridge.

I eat it with a slice of wholemeal bread or brown sourdough as well.

This is literally good health on a plate and I absolutely love it- it’s great for your skin as well.

Give it a try!

Claire x