Often we’re all really busy and sometimes it feels impossible to plan anything.

Let alone the food you’re going to eat.

What’s that saying ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’ – something like that anyway.

Now you don’t need to plan everything.

But even if you can find a little time – it really will make your food choices so much easier.

This has the added bonus of making sure you’re eating enough healthy foods, make you feel better and help your hormones

It’s all about starting and it being easy.

One really easy way to start is to buy more lean meat or fish, or protein of your choice.

Protein is so important for us ladies, especially if you’re trying to change your shape.

Can you pre-cook it, which will save you time and make it easier to plan your meals?

Let’s take the humble chicken (a great source of lean protein).

Weekly I buy two- yes that’s right two.

I roast them both on a Sunday and we have roast chicken and veg.

We have more roast chicken and extra veg on a Monday (yep we all love it).

I then use the left over meat for salads, or put in omelettes, or make it into a chicken and pasta bake (I only then have to make a tomato sauce to go with it- or take one that I’ve made earlier out of the freezer).

I nearly always have enough to put some in the fridge for a handy, healthy snack, which often gets eaten when I get home from work hungry, or a snack for me whilst I’m making tea.

It really is that simple.

Try it !

Claire x