This is a definite firm favourite in most households.

That lovely spag bol.

This is how I make mine – it’s pretty healthy and everyone loves it.

(I don’t bung in extra veg but feel free if you want to).

Now I make loads, because it’s quicker that way and freezes so well.

I bung 3 large (750gms each) packs of 5% lean beef mince into a large pan.

Add one chopped up onion, mix.

Add some black pepper & cook until all the meat is browned.

Carefully drain some of the fat off that’s in the pan.

Add 3 tins of chopped tomatoes- couple tablespoons of mixed dried herbs, a good squirt of tomato puree, some more seasoning (to taste) & mix.

I dissolve an organic chicken stock cube in about 1/4 cup of boiling water and chuck this in too, give it a good stir.

Cook for about 30 mins on a medium heat, stirring ocassionally.

Half way through cooking time check the seasoning and add more pepper, herbs and/or puree if required.

After 30 mins check that the onions are cooked, if not cook for a little longer.

Serve with cooked pasta, salad or spinach leaves.


Claire x