This is a great way to eat leeks – bet you’ll make it time and time again.

Did you know that leeks can help to reduce PMS symptoms and help to boost thyroid health , as they are a good source of manganese.

They also have vitamins A,C & K, small amounts of fiber, copper, vitamon B6, iron and folate.

So are high in nutrients and low in calories (depending on how you cook them and what you add to them of course).

And paired with salmon, which is bursting with protein & healthy fats, you have a lovely dinner.

You need 2 salmon fillets – or you could use half of a side like in the piccy.

This can easliy be scaled up with more fillets/leeks etc.

1.Firstly prepare the leeks – they can be really dirty and full of earth.

Switch on your oven to 200 degrees centigrade, 180 fan / gas mark 6.

2.Slit about 3 leeks lengthways ( you want about 250gms when they’ve been prepared) and run under the tap, so all the earth is removed.

Cut off the green top ( you can use this for stocks or soups) & the roots. Slice.

3.Place the leeks in a pan with 5 tablespoons of water- cover and boil for 5 mins, until the water has almost gone and the leeks have softened.

4.Stir in 85gms of full fat mascarpone (you could swop this for creme fraiche)

5.Take 2 fairly large or 1 big sheet of foil and place the leeks on them/it.

6. Place the salmon on the leeks, add grated zest of 1 lemon, seasoning and squeeze over some lemon juice. Sprinkle some fresh herbs over like coriander or dill.

7. Bring the foil up to the middle lengthways, fold the foil over to secure , then bring the ends up and fold over , so you have a parcel.

Place in the oven for about -12-15 mins , depending on the size of your fillet/s and how you like it cooked.

I served mine with new potatoes and spinach – it was delish 🙂

Claire x