My little boy absolutely loves this soup.

Soup is proper soul food and is packed full of goodness.

It’s proper easy as well and is useful if you want to use up veggies.

Turns out that everyone loves it.

I didn’t tell anyone that I’d sneaked 1/2 a swede in either.

Swede might not be sexy , but has lots of health benefits – it’s a great source of vitamins and nutrients  (vitamins A & C, together with a good amount of fibre, calcium and potassium).

Here’s what I did with the other 1/2 – it’s a great, easy way to use up veggies and it looks great.

It doesn’t have to be swede, you could add in any other veggie, like parsnips, or carrots

Or just add in more leeks.

Before you melt 50gms of butter in a saucepan, turn the saucepan upside down on a piece of greaseproof paper and draw a circle round the edge – put to one side. Melt the butter.

Add 460gms cubed potatoes, cut into 1 cms – I used local ‘all rounders,’ then 1 diced onion & 450gms of veggies ( I used 300gms of sliced leeks, green parts removed and 150gms of cubed, peeled swede – this needs to be cut smaller than the potatoes as it takes longer to cook). Stir it all round in the butter. Add salt and pepper.

Don’t have it on too high otherwise you will burn the onion and it will make the soup taste of onions.

Get your greaseproof circle and place over the veggies in the saucepan,this helps them cook quicker, then put the lid on. Cook for about 10 mins, or until the veggies are soft. You may have to check them a couple of times.

Get rid of the paper. Add 850mls of chicken or vegetable stock. Homemade is best as it’s more nutritious, or you can use ready made.  Simmer for about 5 mins, until the veggies are just cooked. Puree the veggies with a stick blender , or put in a blender.  Check seasoning and add  more if required.

Return soup to the pan,and stir in 125mls of full fat milk.  You can also add in half a small carton of double cream in you wish and stir through.

Enjoy !

Claire x