FAB Curried Chicken

This tastes great and is a healthy curried chicken.

I make loads of this so I can freeze some as well.

Cook 2 packets of skin on chicken thighs- 1 kg each packet ( do 1 if you don’t want to freeze any).

I take the skin off, brush with a little melted butter & season. Cook at 170 degrees fan /190 normal for about 45 mins.

Make up your coconut milk ( this is what I’m talking about).

If you’re doing 2 packs of chicken you’ll use the whole coconut bar made up – equivalent to 2 tins of coconut milk )

Melt some coconut oil in your wok/saucepan.

Add one chopped onion and 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic. Cook for a couple of minutes.

Add 2 tablespoons plain flour & curry powder – I use about 2 tablespoons medium curry powder. You might not want to use so much- it’s really up to how hot you like it.

(If using one packet of chicken – use one tablespoon plain four & curry powder).

You can of course use spices that you’ve warmed in the pan beforehand. I use the curry powder as my boys like it.

Mix this up on the hob, then pour in 400 mls of the coconut milk- keep stirring until flour & powder dissolve and let cook for a bit. The sauce will go thicker.

Add the rest of the coconut milk (400mls). Check seasoning.

Slice up one yellow and one red pepper.

Add chicken thighs to sauce and turn over to coat them. Once they all have been added- chuck in the peppers.

Simmer for about 10-15 minutes.

You want to have simmered it enough that the chicken is warmed through.

If sauce gets too thick just add a dash of normal milk.

If I’m having this for lunch I’ll have some brown rice with it.

My kids like it with wholemeal pasta.

For dinner I eat a bowl of it with fresh spinach leaves.

Yum yum!

Claire x