Ever thought about yout fruit and vegetables nutrition?

Have a think about what you put in your mouth. Maybe keep a diary for a coupe of days, or better still take some photos.

Are you getting enough fruit and vegetables nutrition ?

Now you might be getting enough – chances are that if you had a good look, it’s often Vegetables that we coud do with increasing.

Most people love fruit & eat alot of it.

Reasons why fruit and vegetables nutrition is so important

1.They both can help to keep muscles and bone mass ( as they are akaline producing)

2.They have lots of vitamins, fibre, minerals, antioxidants & phytonutrients in them. Plant foods are packed full of antioxidants – we need these as they help fight harmful ‘free radicals’ in the body. If free radicals levels become too high in the body, this can lead to illnesses.

3.Colourful plants are a great source of antioxidants, green leafy vegetables are the most beneficial like spinach.

4.They have a high fibre & water content, they’re pretty low in calories compared to their volume, which means you can eat more, especially vegetables, as most have a low calorie density. This can be really beneficial, not just for health, but controlling how much you eat, as well as help in body weight management.

5.Eating them helps you stay hydarated, as they contain alot of water

6.Studies have shown that eating fruit and veg daily can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, like cancer & cardiovascular disease.

7.Fruit and vegetables nutrition, should form the base of our nutrition. Our ancestors ate meat, as well as vegetables & fruit

8.Variety is important, as a greater variety gives you greater benefits. Juicing means that you will miss out on some of the benefits, like the fibre, of the whole fruit or vegetable.

9.Most vegetables & fruit are low on the GI (glycemic index) & therefore won’t alter blood glucose & insulin levels significantly. Enjoy them as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Here’s some great little tips on nutrition, exercise & wellness

Easy way to increase fruit and vegetables nutrition ?

Aim to eat a vegetable every time you eat, or have a healthy apple as a snack, add berries or veggies to shakes, add fruit to plain greek yogurt – there’s lots you can do , to get more in !

Ever wondered what a healthy balanced plate of food should look like ?

Claire x

And if you’re struggling with your food and want a bit of help then drop me a line – I’ve got some great tried and tested programmes.

Fruit and vegetables nutrition