What a quick easy way to cook your veg?

And it looks impressive and is healthy.

You can do this with most veggies.

I had 1/2 a swede to use up and some carrots. But you could use red onions, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli or courgettes.

(Here’s what I did with the other 1/2).

I washed and peeled the veggies- then cut them in long ‘sticks’.

They pretty much looked like veggie ‘chips’.

I cut them this way, as I wanted my kids to eat them.

The main thing to remember is however you cut them – to cut them in similar sizes, as this will help them all cook in the same time.

Put your cut veggies in a tray/roasting dish in a single layer – add about 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Mix the oil over the veggies with your hands, then season with salt and pepper.

Roast in the oven for about 35-45 mins at gas mark 5, 190 degrees Celcius.

Bet roasted veggies become a favourite in your house ! They taste great with a roast, fish or pretty much any meat.

Or you can have them with just some couscous.

Claire x