I wouldn’t normally buy cabbage but it was in my veggie box, so I was determined to find a great way to cook it.

Cabbage shares alot of the same health benefits  as kale ; low in calories, filled with fiber, packed with nutrients and minerals.

And it contains about 30 antioxidants, which can protect your skin and give it a boost.

Not going to lie – this tastes amazing AND is quick & healthy

I divided the amount into 3 portions, it  weighs in at about 212 calories per serving and is predominately carbs.

Take your green cabbge, wash it and remove outer leaves.

Cut into quarters and remove hard middles – slice each quarter up.

In a saucepan/wok melt 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

Add in 1 chopped onion , 1 tsp mustard seeds, chopped & diced chilli- cook for about 3- 4mins, stirring occasionally.

Add your favourite spices; I used a teaspoon of the following ginger, tumeric, medium curry powder & cumin, plus the cabbage and 1 tin of drained & rinsed cooked chickpeas.

Season with salt and pepper and cook on a medium to high heat for about 6-8 minutes.

Check seasoning and adjust if necessary.

Eat and enjoy – I seved mine with steak and it was lovely.

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Claire x