You’ll look at this picture and think ‘well that’s just porridge’

It is a bowl of porridge that I made with organic, jumbo oats & whole fat milk.

(Not only is it a healthy, ‘filling’ brekkie but I use it as a pick me up if I’ve got no energy in the mornings before training – then I’m ready to smash it ).

The less processed the oats, the better they are for you

There is no better way of making it then on your hob- much better for you then the packet ‘quick’ stuff

And tastes 100 % better

Even my 9 year old can tell the difference!

And it doesn’t take that long to make either

I never used to be able to eat porridge without sugar.

But now I happily eat it with berries, sunflower seeds & cinammon (that’s all down to eating healthily and not wanting sugar anymore)

Try it and you’ll be hooked like me 😉

Claire x