A lovely easy Tea

This is so easy & tastes great. I've made enough for one, but you can easily double, treble, or quadruple.

My son said to me 'It looks like a restaurant meal'. So there you go, you too can throw this together, as it's all in the presentation.

I've got loads of piccy's for you, so let's get started.


1 piece of trout (or salmon, or pretty much any fillet of fish) or you could swap it for chicken.

1 lemon (if using fish)

Some washed raw spinach

Pack of green beans, washed with ends cut

Cherry tomatoes, washed & cut in halves

About 3/4 cup of baby new potatoes, washed & cut in halve

Sm knob of butter for cooking

Black pepper


Preheat oven to 200 degrees centigrade or gas mark 6

Get the potatoes on boiling in water,which will roughly take about 20 mins. The fish may take 15-20 mins depending on thickness.

Prep the fish by placing it on small piece of foil (there are 2 pieces of fish in the piccy), squeeze over some fresh lemon juice, add black pepper & small knob of butter, fold into a parcel, place on baking tray.

Place cherry tomatoes on small piece of foil, season & add a tiny amount of olive oil, or cook without oil. Place on the same baking tray.

Now prep the salad you want to use - I'm using raw spinach. Just add a nice amount to the bowl.  Season & flavour, I've squeezed over some lemon juice & added black pepper.

Check your timings; the green beans may need 6-8 mins in boiling water, with the lid 3/4's on.

The fish may take slightly longer than the potatoes, or the potatoes may be done first. When the potatoes are ready, drain & place lid on pan to keep warm if you're waiting for the fish.

Have a look at the fish - are there any raw bits. is it hot & cooked the whole way through ? If the fish is cooked first, turn the oven off & leave it in the oven to keep warm.

When you've checked it's all cooked, it's time to create your masterpiece.

Add the warm potatoes, then the cooked cherry tomatoes & arrange the cooked beans over in a lovely pattern.

Now the final finishing touches. It's time for the star of the show to be placed on gently. For me that's the trout. 

Then I've drizzled over a cap full of balsamic vinegar. 

That's it - oh so simple but tastes & looks great.

Let me know how you get on. Is whoever you cooked it for impressed ? Are you impressed with yourself?!!

Claire x

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