Chickpeas Recipe

Now this chickpeas recipe is super easy & so quick. 

It's healthy, packed full of fibre, nutrients & tastes delicious (find out here why fibre is so important).

For this chickpeas recipe you can bung everything in the pan, let it cook & come back to it, stirring occasionally.

You need;

Olive oil

3- 4 cloves of garlic

Curry powder or your favourite spice

2 x 400gm cans of chickpeas

1 x 400gms chopped tomatoes


chickpeas recipe

Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a pan, add the crushed garlic & about 2 teaspoons of curry powder. 

Heat & stir for about 2 minutes.

Add one whole can of chickpeas including the water, plus the other drained can of chickpeas, stir, then add the tomatoes & season. 

Taste - does it need more curry powder? If you like it hotter then add some more.

Cook,stirring occasionally, uncovered on the hob for about 15-20 mins until the chickpeas are tender.

Check seasoning again, add more if needed.

chickpeas recipe

Once they are cooked through, the mixture should be thicker & may have changed colour slightly.

chickpeas recipe

I served mine with cooked chicken & spinach. The chickpeas really added a nice kick to the dish.

This chickpeas recipe is so versatile, you could serve with salads, fish or other meats to add that variety & taste.


For other great recipes, tips , exercises & more have a look here

Claire x

chickpeas recipe

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