The simple answer to this is ‘yes’ Pilates can help you to ‘shape up.’
Here are some ways that Pilates can benefit you, if you attend classes on a regular basis.
You or your friends may notice;
1. Stronger muscles, especially in the butt, front & back of your thighs, calves,back,tummy, pelvic floor and upper arms. All of the places that most women would like to see changes.
2. Better body shape & a ‘trimmer’ waist- many of my clients have been so pleased with losing inches, losing weight & feeling more toned
3. Increased self-esteem & self confidence
4. Improved joint mobility
5. Better flexibility & a stronger spine
6. Better posture, which automatically makes you look taller.
7. More stamina & energy, so you feel like doing more exercise
8. Feeling healthier, less stressed & more body aware
And so much more !
Claire x