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I’m Claire , a qualified Pilates Instructor , Nutrition coach , Menopause specialist coach & personal trainer.

I m passionate about helping people move better,feel fitter and healthier, all whilst having fun.

I just can’t get enough Pilates , when I’m not teaching a class or working with people 1-1, I’m reading about Pilates, or taking courses in it.

Will you get the Pilates bug like me ?

Why not give it a try ?

Pilates is a great whole body, low intensity workout, that is superb for the mind as well.

You can work with me in lots of different ways ;

Online; 1 -1 in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you, you can focus on your body concentrating on your goals, we can start or progress your Pilates journey.

Or 1-1 in my studio, focusing on your movement & what your body needs.

Ever been tempted to use one of the favourite pieces of Pilates equipment, the reformer ?

Here’s the benefits of Reformer Pilates – in a nutshell it can lead to greater strength, flexibility & balance, which will improve your posture, movement & mental health.

Contact me if you want to go on my waiting list to give the reformer a test drive & see if it’s for you !

And you can get a little more Pilates into your week, or start your Pilates journey with me online and join my ladies club, which is just for you – you’ll get 2 new Pilates videos per month plus lots of great tips on healthy eating, sculpting your body,Pilates, wellness & menopause.

Or Come to one of my Pilates classes if your local at the lovely Park Life Hub , Exeter EX1 3DN.

Just press the button below to find out more & book

book button preview

I love working  with ladies on line & face to face, who need a bit of help with their nutrition, we focus on eating normal , everyday foods ( NO FADS HERE !!), using a common sense approach & working on your daily habits.

Everything is tailored for you, we’re all different & my coaching reflects this,not just for nutrition but fitness as well.

I have a tried & tested 12 week plan , where I m with you every step of the way.

Just drop me an email if this is what you’ve been looking for or if you would like more info

If you’re interested in my Pilates classes have a look here.

And if you’re looking for some well earned ‘me time’, where you can totally relax , move daily with Pilates & have fun, come on one of my Pilates & Cake Weekend Retreats.

See how they’re a little different to other retreats here.

Can’t wait to meet you.

Claire x

Don’t just take my word for it here’s what clients say:

“Just to say how much I have appreciated joining your Pilates class over the past few months
 I have come rather late to this, at retirement age,and hadn’t realised, until my balance and flexibility were tested by the class routines just how poor they were.
 I am now able to squat down to low supermarket shelves, lift and carry more weight without backache and feel very much more flexible.
Thank you for making the class accessible for beginners of any age and fitness and for your patience and good humour!
Alexis Tremaine”

“I cannot tell you how much I appreciate and enjoy your classes. I cannot do everything  / every exercise but I feel much invigorated after every class and also feel my upper body strength improving.

Sarah Gurr”

“I signed up with Claire as I  needed help, I couldn’t get  motivated nor stick to a diet for  more than a few days. I found  that I could stick with the  healthy eating and have seen  the benefits – I lost 2 dress sizes  and I can’t begin to describe just  how good I feel now. I’m  actually continuing to lose weight as I now know how to do  it and not put it back on again.


“I can honestly say the hour I spend in Claire’s class is my favourite hour of the week. It’s exactly what I was looking for, challenging work in a relaxed environment. The class is incredibly welcoming, if you’re hesistating because you’ll feel out of place, then don’t. There’s a range of experience, ages & sizes and Claire expertly caters for everyone. Would I recommend? Put it this way, I tried one class & block booked the next 6 weeks when I got home !!

Brigit Wells”

“Deciding to work with Claire was an easy  choice. I knew Claire was motivated to  qualify as a PT and a nutrition coach  because of a genuine desire to help  other people to achieve their goals using  her own journey as an example.

After only a few coaching calls I knew I  had made the right choice; I looked  forward to our weekly calls which were  always supportive and focused, always  pitched at the correct level to motivate  me to work hard and improve my food  choices, adjust my ‘dieting’ ideas and my  fitness week by week.

I could definitely notice a difference in my body shape and fitness levels even  though I am a life long fitness fanatic.  I would recommend Claire to anyone.


“Yesterday I went back for my second class at Pilates with Claire. Once again it was really enjoyable!

Claire gave great instruction and demonstration…and encouragement…asking us to do what we could within our own limitations..AND to keep going and do our best! We used a Pilates ring this time and did a workout with upper limbs, lower limbs with core engagement throughout. Today I know I’ve done a workout and I’m looking forward to the next week’s class.

Thank you Claire !

Elaine McMahon”

“Claire lifted me out of a rut with  encouragement and direction. I  really liked the coaching calls  and that the workouts were made  for me and varied. I could have  never done this on my own. I  didn’t really realise the benefits  until the tape measure came out  and saw the cms coming off.

Highly recommend


Pilates with Claire is great fun and it tests muscles that you forgot you had. Claire is very attentive to her class keeping an eye on each individual, she encourages each individual to work within their limits and that it’s not a competition.

I can highly recommend it, it gives you a feel good factor.

Thanks Claire

Carolyn Boakes”

“Loved todays class, felt like a real step-change for me & a bit of a first in terms of feeling much stronger around the psoas/hip + core in a way I wouldn’t have thought possible this time last year that’s for sure, so thank you – you’re a great teacher. 

Carina Palin”

Had my first session this week with Claire and am looking forward to next week already. Good communication in booking session, venue handy and well suited space.

Claire is attentive and checked everyone was ok as we worked though a well planned set of exercises. So I’ll be back …And I hate exercise..

Rachel Robinson”

I joined the Pilates @Twin Tigers today and loved it! It’s relaxing as well as being a little challenging, which is great. I’m booking in for next week right now. Thanks Claire.

Lea Brown”

” I always enjoy the class. It’s an absolute highlight of my week. 

Alison Wood”

“I’ve just gone into the system to book and the spaces have already gone!! Your classes are getting very popular, which is great and I’m not surprised as they are so good. I’ve joined the waiting list for the ones I can attend so fingers crossed space comes up. 

Tracey Wills Cromwell”

I absolutely loved the class last night and came away buzzing! I really felt that I was having a proper work out, particularly my stomach muscles which is what I wanted the most. Can’t wait for next week!

Sarah Mckenna”

“I started Claire’s Pilates class last September,  I was having problems with my lower back.  It has been one of the best things i have done for ages. It has helped me physically.  Claire’s classes are friendly and not competitive she is very enthusiastic and positive and i look forward to going.

Di Picken”

“With a busy and stressful full time job where I often have to attend calls late into the evenings, committing to more than one class a week was just proving to be impossible. I love Pilates and Claire’s class is my favourite hour of the week – I wanted more but couldn’t find the time to fit another class in. I was trying things out at home using online videos but I had no confidence I was doing things correctly which meant I was being a bit non committal about the whole thing.

Then the ladies club launched and it honestly is the perfect solution for me. I have Claire on hand for a workout whenever I can fit it into my schedule!

The videos really keep me interested. They challenge me like a class does and have levels so I can go at my own pace. I love the range of durations and the focus on different areas of the body and mix of equipment. It keeps things interesting and makes it so easy to mix and match them to put together something that works for however much time I have available and for whatever mood I’m in. 

I look forward to the new videos and find myself dipping in and out of the recipes and articles Claire posts wherever I am if I have a couple of spare minutes. I’ve tried a few of the recipes out – the chilli is delicious and I’m loving the tomato soup for my lunch right now. They’re super easy recipes and really tasty. 

Claire keeps it very real and I love the way I feel encouraged in the most natural healthy way, with both the exercise and nutritional advice. It’s like having a friend sharing information with you on a regular basis. No pressure. Exercise a little, challenge yourself, do what you can do, build it up, eat healthily and see yourself progress.

Brigit Wells”

“I have been coming to Claire’s Tuesday morning Pilates class for about 8 months and I absolutely love it.  It’s a great workout, you can go at your own level but Claire will always encourage you to try and step it up. Every week is varied and different using all sorts of equipment.  I feel great and energised after the class and  it sets me up for the day.  Give it a go! 

Janet Batchelor”

I joined Claire’s online ladies club so I could be flexible about when to exercise. Which is great, as you can do some Pilates to fit in round your week. There are lots of great videos to choose from in the club… no chance of getting bored!….and with great instructions and demonstrations by Claire as always! I was also impressed by all the great information that Claire had put up re general health, exercise, skincare, sleep,hormones,bloating,healthy eating and some fab home cooked recipes with pics!….and more!

What a bonus! – great value- and all in one place!I haven’t missed reading a single thing! I’m really enjoying it! It made me realise how lazy I had become in terms of cooking for myself as a single person. I now eat more healthily making sure I eat more vegetables and cook from scratch, trying to avoid all those processed foods. So I’m trying to address things that I’ve let slide- thanks to Claire’s little gems of info! 

Thankyou Claire!

Elaine Mcmahon” 

“Just had a fabulous Pilates class with Claire in Heavitree. It was a one-off as I was visiting my mother, and she made me feel really welcome. It was a friendly class and Claire has a warm, welcoming style. I’ll definitely be back if I’m in the area again.
Jackie Lowe”